The role and the strategic objectives of the Faculty

The Faculty of History at UCDC-Bucharest aims through graduate cycles, postgraduate, master and doctoral studies, the following objectives:

-the training of specialists in the field of history and related to the current requirements of the Romanian society integrated in the EU.
-training of specialists for the Romanian education at lower secondary and secondary cycles, but also for work in governmental bodies, international organizations, research institutions, the media, etc.
Regardless of where our graduates will ascend the future, they will have a thorough knowledge from historical sciences and complementary, which were included in a logical sequence in the annual higher education plans.
Also, educational plan shall ensure an optimum ratio between ancient history, modern, contemporary, and the history of diplomacy and international relations. At the same time, future graduates of the Faculty will know the Organization and operation of international bodies and international organizations in the field of politics and diplomacy.
The Faculty of History, aims to be a promoter in launching innovative ideas, to mark the paths of research into recent history and in the history of the various fields of society such as that of security or of communication, influence and contribute, through its steps in the development of scientific studies, books, monographs, treatises, specialized articles, etc., to achieve the moral profile of future EU citizen.
Connected to both the demands of training and improvement of future specialists and teachers of history in the Romanian society need, as well as the absorption capacity of the labour market, the teaching mission of the Faculty of history lies in the training of specialists, and teachers so as to manifest mostly the ability to educate and shape the future of Romania's citizens and of the EU to build skills and habits in line with what is typical, and dynamically in the current human society and what the next evolution prefigures; performance should characterize and represent the most important and compelling evaluation of its own activities; there is complete freedom in identifying and expressing, through everything that aims at a modern and flexible vision, on the role of the specialist in the expertise of international relations in the modern world, in the analysis and forecast of politico-military and diplomatic missions of the Euro-Asian space and of the world in general; to manifest their readiness to improve training and to accede on the basis of concrete results and competence, to the implementation and management of various cultural and diplomatic institutions, so as to contribute more to the achievement of the performance and the progress of organizations in which they participate.
The Faculty manages through the Department of postgraduate studies ten programs of history or from the border of historical science. Postgraduate courses started in the second semester of the academic year 2012-2013. Doctoral School will open its doors in the academic year 2013-2014.


Brosura admitere licenta 2013 - descarca


Brosura admitere 2013 - descarca


Brosura admitere 2013 - descarca
Universitatea Crestina "DIMITRIE CANTEMIR"